Logging,reporting and Error handling are the most important challenge in Automation framework for any applications.We are using vbscript for automation framework but don't know how application is performing and taking the data from input data sources ex:excel,db etc ,in order to identify where actually what happen then we will go for Capture image fro every step and store in results folder and below script will give you the details for QTP
You can capture bitmap in qtp using
Browser("browser name").CaptureBitmap "path to store"
but in order to save it in dynamically then we will go for separate function
Function CaptureImage()
Dim Capture,Image
Image= Capture&".png"
Msgbox Image
Image = Replace(Image,"/","-")
Image = Replace(Image,":","-")
Image= "E:\Automation Testing"&Image 'Path to save the image
Desktop.CaptureBitmap Image,true
End Function
File will save it in specified path as below