QTP Mid Function

Mid Function:

The Mid function returns a specific number of characters from a strings.
QTP Mid Function
HP QTP MID Function

Note:We can Use the Len function to determine the number of characters in a string.
str1="d3g4 g5h6j6"
MsgBox strlen

Which will returns total characters count in a string as str1 having 11 includng spaces.

Lets see Mid function

Mid(String,start,[Optional] Length)

String : The specified string from which characters are returned.
Start : The starting position of the String
Length : [Optional] The number of characters to get or return.

Example 1:

Str2 = "Hello World"
  flen=Mid(str2,1,1) 'Which will return first character from the string because starting is 1 and length is 1
print "Specific character from the string is :"&flen
Output is :Specific character from the string is :d

Another Example:Get all characters, starting at position 1

print "Specific character from the string is :"&rlen
In this above example we have mentioned only starting position but not mention length means ending position
Output is :Specific character from the string is :d3g4 g5h6j6

Example 3:

How to find numerics in a string

Lets see the below example

1.Declare the string
strlen=len(str1) ' Find length of the string
l_num="" 'Here we are taking this one as empty to store the strings values   
For i=1 to strlen ' Use for loop to check entire string for each characters            y=mid(str1,i,1) ' i have taken start position at 1 and length position at 1 
If ( isnumeric(y)=True) Then 'Verify if in string numerics presents in case it true then it will return
        l_num= l_num & y
 Print "l_num is" &l_num
 'In l_num it will save the numerics data with one by one as below
                End If
    Print "Numerics in Specified String is :" &l_num 'Here it will display output


l_num is :3
l_num is :34
l_num is :345
l_num is :3456
l_num is :34566
Numerics in Specified String is :34566


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